Why Should Law Firms Consider Appointing a Board Advisor?
I have read several articles suggesting law firms should consider appointing independent board members to assist with governance and accountability, in a similar vein to corporations. The objective of this article is to explore the value of the appointment of a “Board Advisor” whose role is to provide expert support and advice to the governing […]

Five Models for Assessing Partners and Lawyers
The goal of an effective evaluation system should be to get the best out of the individual in the future rather than just scoring the past.

Turning Adversity into Opportunity
Today a myriad of technologies have matured to a point where almost any organisation can easily adopt and reap the benefits of their offerings in order to streamline and strengthen their businesses.

A Simple Governance Framework for Small to Mid-Sized Law Firms
This simple, flexible governance framework avoids the need for complex management structures and addresses the needs of a large majority of firms.

Governance in a Law Firm: Poisoned Chalice or Opportunity?
The time spent by lawyers inefficiently muddling through operational functions detracts from their fee-earning work, which adds much more to the bottom line.

Law Firm Leadership: Consensus or Command?
Which leadership style is more effective: consensus or command? It depends on the circumstances and the individuals involved.

Ikigai: Some Personal Reflections on Raison d’Etre and Purpose in Professional Firms
Introduction – Identity, Purpose and Vision for the Professional Firm I have often written of the imperative for a professional firm to develop an overall and shared “Strategic Intent” as a great starting point for the development of the central part of a firm’s strategy. Strategic Intent (Identity, Purpose and Vision) provides and communicates an […]

The Focus Challenge – Part I: Your Practice
1. Substantive Practice Gone are the days when some level of specialization in an area could sustain a practice over a lawyer’s lifetime. Things are changing too fast and new competitors will emerge – some of them not even law firms. In the meantime, what you can do is think about the future of both […]

Simplicity is the key to outstanding management. Professionals in ownership or senior roles simply don’t have the time, motivation or gas-power for complex, lengthy systems of getting things done.

The Death of Deference
Lawyers have always been a distrustful bunch, but in the last twenty years the growth of larger law firms on the back of increased accountability and performance management seems to have repressed independence of thought amongst professionals, who have been encouraged to focus much of their effort on fee generation and to leave leadership decisions […]