Edge International


Associate Dissatisfaction: The Chance that Clifford Took

On October 15, 2002, associates in the New York City office of Clifford Chance responded to a request for input from the firm’s partners with a memo–a very candid memo. Somehow, a copy got into the Financial Times of London and became public. The result has been pivotal for Clifford Chance and, maybe, the legal profession globally. This article outlines practical and useful lessons learned from this unfortunate situation…

Gerry Riskin

Edge Founder & Principal specializes in counseling law firm leaders on issues relating to the evolution of the structure and management of their law firms and the architecture of competitive strategies.  He has served hundreds of law firm clients around the globe from small boutiques to mega firms including working with the largest law firms in the world.  Gerry is still a Canadian but has resided on the Caribbean Island of Anguilla, British West Indies for more than 25 years.

Email Gerry at [email protected] or text or call him at +1 (202) 957-6717