Edge International


A Network Leaders Checklist

A Network Leaders Checklist

As the world changes and emerges from a generational crisis there is an increasing need to work together and form affiliations as there is inevitably strength in numbers and diversity. I believe that we will see much consolidation in the legal markets in the next few years. Those in existing Networks or Affiliations will be well served to review their arrangements and to take stock of “what they want to be” in the new world.

I highlight below some thoughts which may act as a checklist for leaders of legal (or other professional services) Networks/Affiliations.

Does the Network Have A Vision?

The “Current Reality” Of The Network

Selling the Vision and drinking the “Cool-Aid”

The Implementation Phase

Once there is general buy-in from the members the next step is to formulate an implementation plan to roll out the recommendations.

In my opinion, there are five main elements in achieving the goals that have been identified:

All of the above are facilitated by having a number of relevant Work Streams (and inevitably sub-work streams) driving the various facets in the implementation of the recommendations. The work streams should be headed by relevant experts who are accountable to a central authority overseeing the overall reforms that are being implemented.

The End Game

The end game does not exist!

All businesses are “a journey not a destination” this is no different for a Network. The main question the Network needs to decide upon is how close it wants its affiliation to be. In my experience this will evolve over time and the Network will reassess itself periodically.

Remember that almost all of the established major professional services networks out there have evolved over time rather than through some revolutionary event.

Being bold and taking the first step requires a “leap of faith” and some investment but it will surely pay dividends in the long run.

Yarman J. Vachha

Edge Principal is based in Singapore with four decades of experience in the professional services industry globally. He has run global legal business across Asia, Australia and the Middle East. He is a subject-matter expert in improving profitability, operations, remuneration structures and governance within law firms. Asia: [email protected]