Virtual Coffee Breaks
Reaching out to clients and colleagues while working remotely can seem awkward, especially if there is no apparent reason for doing so. The value of connecting during this time is in preserving and enhancing relationships by showing genuine care.

How to Keep a New – and Prized – Client
This short article explores a tried and tested way to increase the likelihood of a smooth-running client relationship – through a facilitated ‘Norming’ Workshop, aimed at getting the relationship going on the right footing, or at strengthening an existing relationship.

Reducing Law Firm Real Estate Spend While Retaining Culture
Reducing your firm’s commitment to expensive shared office space is a generational opportunity to increase dramatically the pool of firm distributable profits.

Get Retained Before You Get Retained
Engaging in preliminary discussions with many prospective clients is the key to building a strong client base.

Law Firm Resilience in a Crisis: Practical Guidance for Action (A Four-Part Series)
A compilation of the four-part “Law Firm Resilience” series focusing on: Financial Resilience; Operational Resilience; Commercial and Client Resilience; and People Resilience.

Law Firm Resilience in a Crisis: Part Four – People Resilience
Periods of crisis, with sudden disruption to normal working life, create massive potential obstacles to engaging and supporting your people. This requires firms to make some rapid changes.

Law Firm Resilience in a Crisis: Part Three – Commercial and Client Resilience
How you work and communicate with clients in times of crisis is the ultimate test of both your firm’s immediate adaptability and its long-term resilience.

Law Firm Resilience in a Crisis: Part Two – Operational Resilience
Smarter, faster responses are essential to operating during a crisis, as is restructuring to compete in the new market reality.

Law Firm Resilience in a Crisis: Part One – Financial Resilience
In times of crisis, financial decisions need to be made quickly – but they need to be made in context and in line with a clear strategy and direction.

Differentiation: The Whole Product
Either in the course of my “client experience innovation” work, or in helping groups of partners do a better job finding new clients, I hear the following frustration, “We’re a great law firm! However, as great as we are, we’re no different from other great lawyers at other great law firms who do what we […]