Edge International

Edge International Review

My Favorite Leadership Quotations

We often meet with firm leaders who are not really sure of what their precise role is, or how to accomplish what needs to be done at their firms to dramatically drive them forward. They often tell us that they have had little or no preparation for the role they have been thrust into. Certainly law schools do not really teach leadership and often a viable role model is not always present. The whole idea of “Herding Cats” is foreign to many new firm leaders since, until they are appointed, their firm has always rewarded and acknowledged them for their individual accomplishments rather than team building, developing respect or leadership style.

For some years I have collected various quotes and motivational sayings that often serve to inspire me to think about familiar things in unfamiliar ways. I thought I might share some of my favorite leadership quotes in hopes that some might provoke you to ponder about what it must take to be effective.

With a bit of luck these practical quotes will lead you to a more precise understanding of what the elusive nature of leadership is all about…

“Whether you think that you can . . . or you think that you can’t… you’re right.”

Henry Ford

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”

Robert F. Kennedy

“I not only use the brains I have, but all that I can borrow.”

Woodrow Wilson