Edge International

Edge International Review

Navigating the Perfect Storm: Strategic options for law firms in challenging times

An unprecedented convergence of external and internal forces is generating gale-force winds of change in the legal marketplace, testing the skills and courage of law firm leaders to their fullest. How can you drive profits in these economic conditions without abandoning long-term strategies or sacrificing collegiality? Here is a guide for navigating the stormiest seas […]

Current & future trends in the Indian legal services marketplace

A flourishing legal industry is growing in lockstep with one of the world’s most dynamic and fastest-growing economies, creating extraordinary opportunities for lawyers and law firms. Here’s everything you need to know about the remarkable growth and incredible future of the Indian legal market.

Defusing the bomb: Dealing with difficult partners

Almost every firm has experienced it: the powerful partner with the toxic personality whose behavior terrorizes the rest of the firm and damages both morale and productivity. Here is a step-by-step guide for law firm leaders to address the seemingly intractable problem of the monster partner.

The Edge Roundtable: What keeps you up at night?

In each issue of the Edge International Review, we pose a “big picture” question of significance to our clients and the legal marketplace generally and ask our partners to supply answers. This edition’s question is simple: “What single issue is keeping your clients up at night right now?”

Stress-testing your strategy: A road map to strategic implementation

Many law firms seem content to let sleeping strategies lie: once drawn up, the strategies are rarely reviewed, reconsidered or properly implemented. To ensure your firm gets full value from its strategy, follow these steps to create a stress-testing system that will put your strategy through its paces and bring rigor and impact to its […]

Business planning for practice groups and individuals

Surveys and studies show a link between planning and performance: even brief, informal and straightforward business plans help firms perform at a higher level than those that make no plans. To reap the full benefit that business plans can deliver, follow these guidelines for the preparation and implementation of law firm, practice group, and individual […]

Aligning capability and practice: Are your lawyers punching below their weight?

The twin recessions of the past decade have left many large law firms seriously misaligned in the quality of the work performed by their lawyers. Some firms’ lawyers are in over their heads, but many others are wading around in the shallow end. Edge International has developed a Capability Alignment tool that can help firms […]

Breaking Out: New applications and horizons for legal project management (LPM)

As the LPM wave continues to rise upward through the legal profession, a small group of visionary firms have realized that LPM is far more than simply a mere pricing or matter management tool. From business awareness and client integration to a groundbreaking China-Australia merger, find out how LPM is growing in new directions and […]

Think and Do: The battle between autonomy and collaboration

The complex interdependencies of today’s legal world reward team collaboration as much as individual legal skills. Yet some experts claim that collaboration stifles creative problem solving and that originality is hindered by “Groupthink.” Read on for a spirited analysis of the crucial interface between independent “thinking” and collective “doing,” particularly in managing complex legal projects.

The business, professional and human case for law firm diversity

In the wake of the recession, law firm diversity numbers that had begun to inch upwards have stalled or even begun to drop again. Instead of complaining about their diversity obligations, law firms ought to understand and act on the business, professional and human reasons why they should improve diversity. Here is where they can […]